945 29 06 24    buruplast@buruplast.com

In Buruplast we manufacture products for several areas of vehicles.

Click on the different areas of the car to discover the products we manufacture.


Revestimientos Interiores/ INTERIOR COATINGS

Revestimientos estéticos interiores/

Interior aesthetic coatings


Revestimientos estéticos para pilares


Piezas estructurales//

Aesthetic coatings for pillars


Structural parts

Techos /ROOFS

Piezas estructurales y funcionales para techos

Piezas del alto componente técnico como tapas de altavoz//

Structural and functional parts for roofs

Parts with a high technical component, such as loudspeaker covers

Conducciones de aire/ SUPPLY AIR LINES

Rejillas de ventilación

Soportes y conductos para el aire acondicionado

- Panel de intrumentos

- Consola central//

. Ventilation grilles

- Air conditioning ducts and supports

- Instrument panel

- Central console

Asientos /SEATS

Revestimientos para asientos /

Coatings for seats

Aesthetic parts

Interior coatings

General coatings for assembly in the OEM product line

Coatings for seats

Cockpit coatings

Coatings for pillars

Loudspeakers and grilles

Loudspeakers for door panels

Loudspeakers for the roof

Ventilation grilles

Functional pieces

Aeration ducts

Supports for electronics

Other structural parts

Stoppers for damping

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